Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fast and Easy Money with Google AdSense

What is Google AdSense?

Well Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Google includes relevant ads on your website or blog and for every visitor who clicks those ads you get paid. So, basically, you get paid for "hosting" google's ads.

Where do this ads come from?

Well That's simple! From Google Adwords. Just like you want to make money out of your website, other people want the same. It's just that they some money that they first invest in their website to generate traffic towards the site, and then they start making money. Here is where Google Adwords appear.

The advertisers (how they're called) sign up at Google Adwords, they write a tittle and a small description for their business and they participate at auctions to set the price for the advertising. And finally, Google decides on which sites the ad will appear. And then Google decides which amount of money is kept by them and which amount of money is given to the ad "hosts". Even though it's a good kept secret, some say that Google gives 75-80% to the hosts.

How to get started

First of all I have to say that you do not have to pay for anything to start earning with Adsense. You just simply create an account and you can start displaying ads on your site.

How can you make money from advertising?

First of all you must never click on your own ads! EVER! This will alert Google, and worst-case scenario, you will end up with your account banned. Though, if you do click one of your ads by mistake, don't worry, Google has a protection system for this incidents, and you won't get yourself banned, but you will get 1 red flag. The more red flags you got, the more serious the problem gets and you might end up with a banned account.

Here are some methods that will improve your earnings with AdSense:

1.Optimize your website

Remember when i said that Google will show relevant ads on your website? Well that means the ads are related to the content of your website. For example, you won't earn any money from a website called how to sell things, if you will talk about what you did yesterday. The Google bot uses keywords to put ads on your website. So from now on, write only relevant articles.

2.You should try to make your ads not look like ads

First of all, people hate ads, don't they? Why am i saying this? Well, how many times haven't you come upon a website in which you felt frustrated because of the ads in it and stopped reading the article after the first 10 seconds? Well the same will happen with your website. If you want them to click on the ads then make them believe those are not ads. How can you do that? Here is some advice:

a.Change the design

Never leave the default color that Google sets for your ads. Set your background to match the one from the ads. You should definetely ditch the borders, you know, those lines that make the text look like it's in a box. Make them the same colour as the background. The ad title should have the same colour as your other website links and the colour of the hyperlinks should have the same colour as the text.

b.Choose the right ad size

Google also gives you the possibility to choose many ad types for your website. But, not all sizes work on your website, and not all of them integrates in any spot. A study shows that the 336x280 sized ad has the best results followed by the 300x250 sized ad. But that doesn't mean you can't use other ad types. It's just that these 2 particular sizes look like they are part of the webiste. As for the other sizes, you should think where they best fit, before placing them all around the website.

c.Place the ads in special places

Special places?! Yeah, special places, you optimized your site for nothing if you do not place the ads in spots, where visitors, would be tempted to click them. Here's a piece of advice. If you have 10 ads on a page that are placed badly, the visitors will avoid them for sure. So you should search the website for "points of interest" and place them strategically.


Not all of the advices i gave you in this tutorial might work with your website, so try to find the design that will best fit your website.

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